How to Join

Board members will be accepted in four categories. Registration form is available at the bottom of this page.

Guild members: individuals or entities engaged in the production of cellular light weight concrete blocks and Components (CLC) and the implementation of a portable concrete floor (floor plan).

Consequential members: individuals or entities providing equipment, materials and technical services, and related businesses with a variety of cellular lightweight concrete (CLC).

Faculty members: academics, scholars and researchers associated with the objectives of the association.

Student Members: Students study and research centers.

Join applicants must first submit the completed application form (provided at the bottom of this page) and meet the board's review and approval, the initial fee and ongoing act. Join an informal considered incidental to membership fees paid by them in the form of voluntary contributions for the benefit of potential technical and trade associations would. And an honorary member of the faculty and students is done without payment. The members of the Association will have the introduction of on-site facilities and services.

Required documents include:
1 - personal identification along with personal photographs.
2 - Working documents including a copy of the establishment and operation licenses. . .
3 - Receipt of bank deposit accounts of $ 4,000,000 rials forum input.
4 - Monthly Deposits 1,000,000 Rials (IRR 3,000,000 deposit equivalent to 3 months at the beginning of each chapter).

Association Account number: 560 49 330 43 bank branches Mashhad Shiraz.
16-digit card number for deposit to the card: 6056 7006 3377 6104

After the above process of certification and membership card in the list of members registered on the website will take action.

Amounts received on account of the Supervisory Board and Treasurer and stored in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the constitution and powers of the board for the benefit of all members will cost.

Guild membership form (concrete Suppliers lightweight cellular concrete parts)
Register incidental (suppliers of equipment, materials and technical services, and business)
Register faculty (university professors, scholars and researchers)
Student Registration Form (students at educational and research centers)